Sorry to be so slow in responding. What happened was that I was working with 
XP for the first time and made a security change and I did it at the wrong place. So 
basically ended up with no real access to the machine. Ended up having to have the 
machine rebuilt.

        I just a few minutes ago retried and everything worked as it should when it 
came to installing Perl on the machine.  Just as I would have expected.

        So thanks to each who responded, but as usual the real enemy was me!

Wags ;)
> Subject: Trying to install Perl on XP Professional -- getting dialog
> error 2755, 110
>       I have never had problem w/ installing Perl until I tried to install
> on XP Professional. I have tried both and 5.81.807 and both
> fail with the same error.  
>       I took a look on and it talks about .NET install
> and a problem w/ a temp folder being encrypted, but I have checked
> the temp folder where I am installing from and it is not encrypted.  
>       The error dialog given is:
>       Internal Error 2755, 110
>       c:\TEMP\ActivePerl-
>       System was just created last week. It is XP Professional Version
> 2002 Service Pack 1 w/ 504 meg of memory. 
>       Any ideas or where I should be looking?
>       Thanks!
> Wags ;)

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