I'm trying to make a program self-relocating; Drag and drop and it still works. I have it working within a single drive/partition. Will it work between drives/partitions if I search the registry for each occurrence of the executable and change the drive letter -- or is it not that simple?

I'm thinking specifically of the class registration which is in binary -- but I don't think that has anything to do with the path data -- but I'm not sure. And of course there may be other things I've never heard of. Deep down the registry seems to be a mystery to most.

I'm putting some stuff in the reg myself but I noticed that Windows adds a lot on it's own. Some of it is clearly just convenience (for instance last time manually entered in the run/search/browser text boxes) but some of it I have no idea what it is used for. Not that I wouldn't like for the convenience stuff to work too. Bugs, even small ones, bother me you know :)

I normally just go ahead and use the trial and error method but with the registry, if someone knows for sure it won't work, perhaps I can save myself a restore from backup which although possible and much better than not, is a pain.


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