> Hi All!
> Is there an easy way (or module) to turn a flat fixed-width 
> database into
> useful data? I would like to dump particular database fields 
> into a hash.
> Tom     Jones    12345 Something Dr.   Atlanta     GA    25467
> John    Doe      1704 Green Street     Boston      MA    62481
> Erica   Fields   301 w Tree Circle     New York    NY    91528
> Would become...
> %hash = ( 
>       First_Name   => 'Tom',
>       Last_Name   => 'Jones',
>       City   => 'Atlanta',
>       State   => 'GA',
>       );

unpack() is your friend...

use strict;

my $t = << "EOT";

Tom     Jones    12345 Something Dr.   Atlanta     GA    25467
John    Doe      1704 Green Street     Boston      MA    62481
Erica   Fields   301 w Tree Circle     New York    NY    91528


# 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
# Tom     Jones    12345 Something Dr.   Atlanta     GA    25467

my $template = "a8 a9 a22 a11 a6 a6";

foreach my $line(split(/\n/, $t))
        next unless($t =~ /[a-zA-Z]/);
        my ($fname, $lname, $street, $city, $state, $zip) = unpack($template, $line);
        print "Name: $fname $lname\nSTREET: $street\nCITY: $city\nSTATE: $state ZIP 


In the absence of evidence of a valiant attempt,
I leave you to trim trailing whitespace
and populate the hash ;-)

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