At 13:47 2004-01-13, Beckett Richard-qswi266 wrote:
I've just been handed a GUI based program that's been written in Delphi 7
(whatever that is).

I think that Delphi is a GUI builder that's based on Pascal. Does anyone
know if there's a Perl vesrion, or can I convert what's already been done
into perl somehow?

If you are Windows-only anyway, go with Win32::GUI (depending on how complex the GUI is. If it's _very_ complex, I could be temted to go with wxWindows instead).

Win32::GUI PPMs and controls

GUI Designer

Or is it time to learn Pascal?

Probably, yes, if the application is well written and non-trivial. I think you could be much worse off than Delphi.


-------- ------ ---- --- -- --  --  -    -     -      -         -
Johan Lindström   Sourcerer @ Boss Casinos   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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