Hello Jim,

Tuesday, January 27, 2004, 7:46:33 PM, you wrote:

JH> $Bill Luebkert in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Jim Hill wrote:
>> > Flags=1414
>> > 
>> > Is there a module or a perl algorithm for determining which of
>> > the 14 checkboxes are enabled from a "Flags=" value?
>> I would just use a hash and for loop.  eg: 

JH> I suspected that there might be solution completely outside my
JH> ken. Thanks $Bill, another brilliant response.

>> use strict;
>> my $flags = 2;
>> my %hash = (1 => 'Subscriber is Suspended', 2 => 'Receives List Messages', ...);
>> foreach (sort keys %hash) {
>>      print "$hash{$_}\n" if $flags & $_;
>> }

JH> I don't follow that. How are the keys in the hash processed such
JH> that they sum to the $flags value?

Each  value  is  assigned, in turn, to $_. $_ is then "and"ed with the
flags value.

JH> Is it possible to get the matching hash values to print out in
JH> the same order in which the hash was initialised?

A bitwise and (&) will return true if the flag bit is true in a value.


1414 & 1024 == true # text/plain digests.

This might make more sense in binary:

   10110000110  # 1414
 & 10000000000  # 1024
== 10000000000; # true

Bitwise  and sets each bit in the return value to 1 if both input bits
at  the  same  position  are  1. And remember, any non-zero value is a
"true"  boolean  (At least in C, I can only assume the same about perl

I  also  wanted  to point out that the binary value for 1414 posted by
Mark Messenger is a bit wild. I would suggest against using unpack (at
least  in that form) to get the binary values of perl integers. Unpack
seems  to  get  some  of the underlying data structure or at least the
binary machine representation in the unpacking.


print unpack(b16,1);

print unpack(b16,2);

print unpack(b16,1414);

print unpack(b16,14);

print unpack(b32,1414);

It  looks  like  perl's  integer data-type is 1 byte per decimal place
with  the  left  four  bits  representing  decimal  values 0-9 (little
endian). The right four bits seem to always be "1100".

Heck, those look like the (reversed) ascii values of the characters to

00110000        0
00110001        1
00110010        2
00110011        3
00110100        4
00110101        5
00110110        6
00110111        7
00111000        8
00111001        9

Woops,  I  guess  so  (just  looked it up). Is there some way to force
unpack   to   do  this  using  the  integer  value?  &  seems  immune,

Best regards,
 Sam                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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