> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
> Beckett Richard-qswi266
> Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 12:13 PM
> Subject: Perl and delphi interaction query.
> Guys,
> I inherited a delphi GUI, which is too complicated to even consider
> re-writing.
> So, I added a button that fires of a perl .exe, made with perlapp.
> The perl .exe works perfectly when run alone. It uses Tk and 
> a ROText widget
> to display the progress of the script, and I changed the Tk 
> icon in the
> corner to my own, like this...
> my $mw = MainWindow -> new (-title => "   $title $version");
> $mw -> withdraw;
> $mw -> minsize (qw(600 400));
> my $status = $mw -> ROText()->pack(-expand, 1, -fill, 'both');
> my $button = $mw -> Button (
>       -text , 'Cancel',
>       -command, \&finished,
>       ) -> pack (-side, 'bottom');
> my $icon = $mw->Photo(-file => 'SpikeWare.gif');
> $mw->idletasks;
> $mw->iconimage($icon);
> $mw -> Popup;
> $mw -> focus;
> However, when I run this by clicking on the button from the 
> delphi created
> gui, the script just dies.
> If I then remove the 3 lines that change the icon:
> my $icon = $mw->Photo(-file => 'SpikeWare.gif');
> $mw->idletasks;
> $mw->iconimage($icon); <- this seems to be the main culprit.

Can't help with delphi but in view of your analysis try using
a .xpm image, which can be included in your script like so...

$mw->Pixmap( 'myicon', -data => loadIcon());
$mw->Icon( -image => 'myicon' );

sub loadIcon
return <<'EOT';

/* XPM */
static char *image_xpm[] = {
/* width height ncolors chars_per_pixel */
"30 30 66 1",
"  c #002d31",
". c #00314a",
"+ c #001836",
"@ c #030303",
"# c #16b0c9",
"$ c #07edf2",
"% c #0ec9d6",
"& c #25abca",
"* c #e9f8e9",
"= c #1999c4",
"- c #150205",
"; c #031405",
"> c #26c6d6",
", c #040515",
"' c #2fa595",
") c #cc93b8",
"! c #f9e9e8",
"~ c #268eb4",
"{ c #26cde9",
"] c #2b79a7",
"^ c #eafbf8",
"/ c #030625",
"( c #4fc39a",
"_ c #011627",
": c #2e7297",
"< c #171525",
"[ c #2c8798",
"} c #27ebf6",
"| c #041516",
"1 c #35887b",
"2 c #160415",
"3 c #56c6b5",
"4 c #148b97",
"5 c #2897c5",
"6 c #03e6bb",
"7 c #558377",
"8 c #6a93ab",
"9 c #eaebea",
"0 c #1a7aa6",
"a c #26050d",
"b c #1995b5",
"c c #8bedf9",
"d c #06ebd6",
"e c #fdfdfd",
"f c #2ac5b9",
"g c #69aab2",
"h c #151407",
"i c #052510",
"j c #14a8b9",
"k c #28b5e5",
"l c #faebf7",
"m c #160425",
"n c #17b9e3",
"o c #518b94",
"p c #09c9b7",
"q c #27a6b8",
"r c #eeeddb",
"s c #f48af4",
"t c #0ea899",
"u c #f377f9",
"v c #daf6ec",
"w c #f8f9eb",
"x c #52abb1",
"y c #56d3e6",
"z c #29e6d7",
"A c #0bd5e5",
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HTH - Lynn.
> It works perfectly under all circumstances.
> I really want to use my icon, so does anyone know why it 
> won't run when
> fired off from delphi?

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