GIF files have an internal, lossless LZW compression. I don't believe the format permits any other compression method, such as JPG, although I'm going on general knowledge here, not reading specs.

TIF files permit a variety of different compression methods, and I believe that Image::Magick supports all (or at least most) of them.

Image::Magick also supports many other graphics formats.

So if you are happy with (lossy) JPEG compression, why not use a JPEG file, which supports only that type of compression? Or use a TIF file with JPEG compression? Why try to invent JPEG compression in a GIF file? Do you have some particular reason to need a GIF file for some purpose? If you must have GIF, you are stuck with its capabilities and limitations.

On approximately 2/25/2004 1:01 AM, came the following characters from the keyboard of John:

Unfortunately, Image::Magick doen't support gif compression.

Here is my script

use Image::Magick;

my $image;

$image = Image::Magick->new;

$image->Write(filename=>'test.gif', compression => 'JPEG', quality=>1,
monochrome =>True);

the 10MB bmp can be compressed to 100KB jpg (with 800x800 geometry)

Any more effective compression?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Glenn Linderman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 10:24 PM
Subject: Re: compress and convert a bmp

Sure, use Image::Magick

On approximately 2/24/2004 10:13 AM, came the following characters from
the keyboard of John:

Has anyone compressed and convert a bmp image through the perl?

Thanks in advance.


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