I'm trying to read the Windows XP Registry using the Win32::TieRegistry module, and have had some success, except for what I really need, the ability to use GetValue(). I need this to uncover not just the value of a registry item, but its type (REG_SZ, etc.).  Here's what I've got so far, can somebody spot whatever it is I'm missing?

# other options, currently unknown, may be added here:
use Win32::TieRegistry 0.20 ( Delimiter=>"/" );

my $ValueData = "";
my $ValueType = "";

($ValueData, $ValueType) = $Registry->GetValue(
  "HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Main//Start Page" );

print "Test reading:\nData Type = \"$ValueType\"\tData = \"$ValueData\"\n";

Both $ValueType and $ValueData print out as "" here.


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