Suresh Govindachar wrote:

> $Bill Luebkert Sent on 07 Sep 2004 06:04:03 -0700:
> Richard Joh wrote:
>>>[as in subject]
>>Go to line 175 and add this line :
>>use File::Glob;
>>Find this line around 508 :
>>       push @args, glob $_[$i];
>>and comment it out and follow it with :
>>       push @args, File::Glob::glob $_[$i];
>>Let us know if that helps.
> Will putting -- in the user's code -- the line: 
>    use File::Glob ':glob'; 
> before the line 
>    use File::Ncopy;
> result in File::Glob::glob being used inside File::Ncopy?
> Please try this too, and let us know.
> (Refer:  Chapter 32/page 890 Camel book)

I don't think so, but adding it in the module at 175 makes the change
at 508 unecessary - near aas I can tell.

  ,-/-  __      _  _         $Bill Luebkert    Mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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