On Sun, 10 Oct 2004, James wrote:
> I am writing a program to read from an input file and
> verify or not if the Quantity equal to the number of
> parts. The problem is some of the parts can be in 2 or
> 3 lines. Fromthe data file, the quantity match the
> number of parts but I cannot find the logic to write a
> program. Please help 

The three problems with the original script were that:
(1) @pts was never re-initialized, so it just kept growing, 
(2) the comparison between $qty and @pts can't be done until you
    know you've processed all of the CONT lines for an item, and
(3) the number of items in @pts is length(@pts), or scalar(@pts), 
    or 1+$#pts, but not $#pts.

Here's a modified copy of the script that addresses those issues:

while (<DATA>) {
   next if /^\s*ITEM/;
   if ( m!^\s*\d+! ) {
      &check_qty($item,$qty,@pts) if $item;
      ($item, $qty, $part) = split ' ', $_, 3;
      @pts = split(',',$part);
   elsif ( s!^\s+CONT\s*!! ) {
      push @pts, split(',',$_);
sub check_qty {
   my($item,$qty,@pts) = @_;
   if ( $qty != 1+$#pts ) {
       printf "Quantity does not match parts for item $item\n";

> use strict;
> use warnings;
> my ($item,$qty,$part,$part2);
> my @pts;
> while (<DATA>) 
>  {
>    chomp;
>    next if /^\s*ITEM/;
>    if ( m!^\s*\d+! )
>     {
>       ($item, $qty, $part) = split ' ', $_, 3;
>       foreach ( split /,/, $part )
>        { push ( @pts, $_ ); }
>     }
>    elsif ( m!^\s+CONT! )
>     {
>       ( undef, $part2) =  split ' ', $_, 2;
>       foreach ( split /,/, $part2 )
>        { push ( @pts, $_ ); }
>     }
>     if ( $qty != $#pts )
>      {
>        print "Quantity does not match parts\n";
>      }
>  }
> __DATA__
> ITEM    QTY         PARTS
>  1       1           P3                   
>  2       1           MP4                   
>  3       4           J15,MP6,RC1,MP8,   
>  4       4           MP9,RC19,MP11,MP1, 
>  5      15           P1,P2,P15,P16,P17,
>               CONT   AP18,MP19,MP20,MP21,MP42,
>               CONT   BP23,MP24,MP25,MP26,MP27,
>  6       8           MP28,MP29,MP30,MP31,MP32,
>               CONT   AR3,AR34,MP35,
>  7       2           PS6,PS5
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