Ed Chester <> wrote:

: Hi all.
: I have a hash %BITS something like this:
: $VAR1 = 'final_p';
: $VAR2 = 'p';
: $VAR3 = 'sp_pair';
: $VAR4 = [
:           's',
:           'p'
:         ];
: where the keys can be anything, and the values can be arrays
: of any sensible size, including 1. I'm trying to write a loop
: that returns each element of the values in an array, so
: running it on the above it would yield something like @things
: = ('p','s','p'). So, the trick is to always pretend like the
: values are arrays. Then I remembered in the real world a hash
: is only storing references anyway to anonymous arrays, so
: figured it should be easy to dereference these and return
: their guts, as it were. So I wrote (ignoring the returned
: array for now, just printing):
: foreach my $bit (values %BITS) {
:     foreach my $thing (@{$bits}) { print "$thing\n"; }     }

my %bits = (
    foo => 'final_p',
    bar => 'p',
    baz => 'sp_pair',
    qaz => [ 's', 'p' ],

foreach my $bit ( values %bits ) {
    if ( ref $bit eq 'ARRAY' ) {
        print "$_\n" foreach @$bit;

    } else {
        print "$bit\n";


Charles K. Clarkson
Mobile Homes Specialist
254 968-8328

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