Tony Cheung wrote:

> Thanks for your help.
> I got a program yesterday,and add in it,but program is not word!
> #!e:\perl\bin\perl
> #如果用CGI方式来行动这个文件,请把下段路径改成你的机器配置
> use  CGI; 
> $upfilecount  =  1;
> $maxuploadcount  =  2;  #限制上传文件的最大数
> $basedir  =  "e:/English";  #上传的文件存放地址
> $allowall  =  "no";  #是否不限制文件后缀上传
> @theext  =(".zip",".exe",".gif",".rm",".doc",".xls");  #要限制的文件后缀名
> $filesize = 220842;  #限制文件大小在216K
> print  "Content-type:  text/html\n\n";
> while  ($upfilecount  <=  $maxuploadcount)  {
>         my  $req  =  new  CGI; 
>         my  $file  =  $req->param("FILE$upfilecount"); 
>         if  ($file  ne  "")  {
>                 my  $fileName  =  $file;

You can't check the file size until it's been uploaded.  I think
CGI would have stored the file in a temporary file at this point
in time and you can use :

        my $tmpfile = $cgi->tmpFileName($file);
        my $file_size = -s $tmpfile;

CGI can be configured to reject files greater than a given size :

        $CGI::POST_MAX = $filesize;     # prior to the while loop

>                 my $file_size = -s $file;
>                 print $file_size."\n";
>         if ($file_size < $filesize) {
>                    $fileName  =~  s/^.*(\\|\/)// <file://\\|\/)//>; 
> #用正则表达式去除无用的路径名,得到文件名
>                    my  $newmain  =  $fileName;
>                    my  $filenotgood;
>                    if  ($allowall  ne  "yes")  {
>                            $extname  = 
> lc(substr($newmain,length($newmain)  -  4,4));  #取后缀名
>                            for(my  $i  =  0;  $i  <  @theext;  $i++){ 
> #这段进行后缀名检测
>                                    if  ($extname  eq  $theext[$i]){
>                                            $filenotgood  =  "yes";
>                                            last;
>                                    }
>                            }
>                     } 
>                    if  ($filenotgood  ne  "yes")  {  #这段开始上传

You may be able to just move the temp file rather than copying it.

>                            open  (OUTFILE,  ">$basedir/$fileName");
>                            binmode(OUTFILE); 
> #务必全用二进制方式,这样就可以放心上传二进制文件了。而且文本文件也不会受干扰
>                            while  (my  $bytesread  =  read($file,  my 
> $buffer,  1024))  { 
>                                    print  OUTFILE!   $buffer;
>                            }
>                            close  (OUTFILE);
>                            $message.=$file  .  "  已成功上传!<br>\n";
>                    }
>                    else{
>                            $message.=$file&nb! sp; .  " 
> 文件后缀不符合要求,上传失败!<br>\n";
>                    }
>                  }else{
>                          $message.=$file  .  " 
> 文件后缀不符合要求,上传失败!<br>\n";
>                  }
>          }
>            $upfilecount++;
> }
> print  $message;  #最后输出上传信息 
> */Beckett Richard-qswi266 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:
>     All you need to get the file size is -s.
>     I.e. $file_size = -s $file
>     Save the following script as, and run like this:
>     perl
>     use strict;
>     use warnings;
>     my $file = $ARGV[0];
>     my $file_size = -s $file;
>     print "$file is $file_size bytes\n";
>     -----Original Message-----
>     [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
>     Of Tony Cheung
>     Sent: 03 November 2004 06:54
>     To: perl-win32-users
>     Subject: How to obtain filesize?
>     I have a perl program about update file from pc to mysql,but I want
>     to limit filesize,how to obtain filesize and file type?

  ,-/-  __      _  _         $Bill Luebkert    Mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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