I'm a Unix systems administrator who is making the transition to Windows. I am trying to access some COM objects, but the only examples I have are written in Python, using "import win32com.client".

Here's the Python Script (which works). I copied it from the manual, then tested it.

import win32com.client
gp = win32com.client.Dispatch("esriGeoprocessing.GpDispatch.1")
testtext = gp.Usage("Buffer_analysis")
print testtest

Here's my perl script - which doesn't work.

use Win32::OLE;
# Set some variables
my $Class = "esriGeoprocessing.GpDispatch.1";
my $gp =  Win32::OLE->new($Class)
    || die "Could not create a COM '$Class' object";

$testtext = $gp->{Usage}->("Buffer_analysis");
print $testtest;

There error message I get is "Undefined subroutine &main:: called at sample.pl line 7.
darned if I can figure out what it should be.

If someone could point out where I've gone wrong, I'd sure appreciate it. I'm sure the Win32:OLE module is correctly installed, since the test scripts work, and so do the ones from the Roth book.

Celeste Suliin Burris
Systems Administrator
Tacoma Economic Development Department
Phone - 253-591-5093

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