Allan wrote:

> I wish it was that easy, I could have a script ftp and grab them. Our
> company is very funny and does not work well between the different depts, so
> getting ftp access to a directory on another computer on the other side of
> the world won't happen. How hard is it to do what I stated in my original
> post?

Not too difficult.  It might be easier if you had directory listing
access to the directory the files are in.  In Apache, that would be
something like:

        <Directory /path/to/pics/>
        Options Indexes
        IndexOptions FancyIndexing
        Order Deny,Allow
        Allow from All

This could also be password controlled via .htpasswd file.

        AuthUserFile /path/to/pics/.htpasswd
        AuthGroupFile /dev/null
        AuthName "Protected Files"
        AuthType Basic

And then 'Require valid-user' could be added to the directory indexing.

Without indexing, you would have to parse the page(s) for links to pics
and process them for new ? files or whatever criteria you are using to
detemine whether to D/L.

FTP access to a directory that contains only files that you could
D/L via HTTP anyway shouldn't be any sort of problem security wise.

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