On Fri, 12 Nov 2004, Christopher Hahn wrote:
> I am trying to use Parse::Recdescent on fairly simple data, 
> but am getting stuck on capturing an escaped carriage return.
> I am not able to make too many assumptions about the structure of the data, 
> or I would probably just us a regexp.
>   Words: /[\w\s\.\,]+/  { print "$item[1]\n"; }
>   EscCR: /\\\\n/        { print "$item[1]\n"; }
>   EscQt: /\\\"/         { print "$item[1]\n"; }
> };

Here, /\\\\n/ matches only a single backslah, followed by an 'n'.  To
match two backslashes followed by an 'n', you need /\\\\\\\\n/.  I guess
this is because '\\' interpolates as a single backslash even in a
single-quoted string.  Here, the grammar is a single quoted string, and so
one level of backslash interpolation occurs before the regexp is even
processed by Parse::RecDescent; another level of interpolation occurs when
the regexp is processed.


Tom Pollard                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Schrodinger, Inc.                                    646-366-9555 x102

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