Here's my filetime to epoch conversion code (it is a bit shorter):

sub vtfiletime {
        my $vt = shift;

        $vt = substr($vt, 0, 11);               # strip off anything
past seconds
        $vt -= 11644473600;                     # change offset to jan
1, 1970
        return $vt;

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Paul Sobey
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 10:59 AM
Subject: FW: Remote Stat -> Slow??

For those interested, I ended up with this. I have no idea whether it
will be threadsafe (need to have a few running in parallel!), but
standalone it's really quick - back down to 1s on that WAN link I
mentioned. No idea why stat would be so much slower - presumably wading
down through perl and C runtime IO layers slows it all down a bit!

Hope it's useful to someone.


use Win32::API;

# $Win32::API::DEBUG = 1;
# Set up structs
Win32::API::Struct->typedef("FILETIME", qw(
        DWORD dwLowDateTime;
        DWORD dwHighDateTime;

Win32::API::Struct->typedef("WIN32_FIND_DATA", qw(
        DWORD dwFileAttributes;
        FILETIME ftCreationTime;
        FILETIME ftLastAccessTime;
        FILETIME ftLastWriteTime;
        DWORD nFileSizeHigh;
        DWORD nFileSizeLow;
        DWORD dwReserved0;
        DWORD dwReserved1;
        TCHAR cFileName[260];
        TCHAR cAlternateFileName[14];

# Func definitions
my $FindFirstFile = Win32::API->new("kernel32.dll", "FindFirstFile",
"PS", "N") or die; my $FindNextFile  = Win32::API->new("kernel32.dll",
"FindNextFile", "NS", "I") or die;


sub DirList {
        my $searchDir = shift;
        my %dir;
        my $FileInfo = Win32::API::Struct->new("WIN32_FIND_DATA");
        my $searchHandle = $FindFirstFile->Call("$searchDir\\*.*",
        do {
                my $mTime =
                my $fType = $FileInfo->{dwFileAttributes} & 0x10 ? "1" :
                my $fName = $FileInfo->{cFileName};
                $dir{$fName} = [ $mTime, $fType ];
        } while (my $result = $FindNextFile->Call($searchHandle,
        return (\%dir);

# The following unashamedly pinched from
# was epoch_time_offset_from_win32_filetime
sub ConvertTime {
        my ($high, $low) = @_;

        # 0x019db1de 0xd53e8000 is 1970 Jan 01 00:00:00 in Win32
        # 100 nanosecond intervals == 0.1 microsecond intervals
        my $filetime_low32_1970 = 0xd53e8000;
        my $filetime_high32_1970 = 0x019db1de;

        # ALGORITHM
        # To go from 100 nanosecond intervals to seconds since 00:00 Jan
01 1970:
        # 1. Adjust 100 nanosecond intervals to Jan 01 1970 base
        # 2. Divide by 10 to get to microseconds (1/millionth second)
        # 3. Divide by 1000000 (10 ^ 6) to get to seconds
        # We can combine Step 2 & 3 into one divide.
        # After much trial and error, I came up with the following code
        # avoids using Math::BigInt or floating pt, but still gives
correct answers

        # If the filetime is before the epoch, return 0
        if (($high < $filetime_high32_1970) ||
            (($high == $filetime_high32_1970) && ($low <
                return 0;

        # Can't multiply by 0x100000000, (1 << 32),
        # without Perl issuing an integer overflow warning
        # So use two multiplies by 0x10000 instead of one multiply by
        # The result is the same.
        my $date1970 = (($filetime_high32_1970 * 0x10000) * 0x10000) +
        my $time = (($high * 0x10000) * 0x10000) + $low;

        $time -= $date1970;
        $time /= 10000000;

        return $time;



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Paul Sobey
Sent: 16 November 2004 15:59
Subject: Remote Stat -> Slow??

I have a routine which takes a directory name and returns a hash keyed
on filename, with arrayrefs containing two values resulting from a stat
of each file. I've found that the routine runs incredibly slowly over a
UNC, particularly if over a WAN link. All I want to get is the filename,
file age, and whether or not it's a directory. I'm confused because the
equivalent DOS dir command on the same UNC runs very quickly - under a
second even across the WAN (vs. around 30 secs for my code!). Is there a
way I could write the following differently to speed it up? It seems a
but nasty to shell out to cmd /c dir and parse the output, but the
relative speed input might outweigh any elegance considerations I have
sub DirList {
 my $dir = shift;
 my %dir;
 my $count;
 logprint("\t\tSTAT: $dir");
 opendir DIR, $dir;
 %dir = map { $_, [ (stat("$dir/$_"))[9], -d _ ] }  # Return hash
entries - names as keys, mtime and -d result as anon array for value
        grep { ! /^\.{1,2}/ }     # Dump . and .. dir entries
        readdir DIR;      # Read directory listing
 closedir DIR;
 logprint("\t\tSTAT: Done");
 return (\%dir);

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