
Don't most OO structures require constructor and destructor methods? Seems to me this is OK for OO. Requiring the Workbook to delete the Worksheet leads to a different problem...that of a WorkBook with no Worksheets. Since the raison d'etre for a WorkBook is as a container for WorkSheets, the coding to account for that could be even worse.

Just my 2 cents worth.


John Wunderlich

Program Manager, Compliance
Directeur de Programme, Conformité
Tel/Fax: 514-908-3094



Lyle Kopnicky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

01/24/2005 05:29 PM

Re: Deleting a worksheet in Excel

Hsu, David wrote:

> Hi,
> Can someone let me know the syntax of deleting a worksheet in an Excel
> workbook.  I am using Win32::OLE.
> I've tried:
> $Workbook->Worksheets{9}.Delete;
> Thanks,
> David

This is an aside, not an attempt to answer your question, but:

Doesn't anyone think it's a bit odd to tell a Worksheet to delete
itself?  It's like asking someone to shoot themselves and then bury
themselves.  The object has no context to do such a thing.  Shouldn't we
be telling the Workbook to delete the Worksheet?  Something like

Bill Gates, are you listening?  You are violating OO common sense!

- Lyle
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