First you need a hard-and-fast rule for converting the names. In your example it would look like you want everything up to the last number in the second "word" (where words are delimited by "_"). Also, is it safe to assume they are all in the same directory? If that is the case, it could be something like below (also assumes there is only one . in the filename):
use strict;
use File::Copy;
my $dir = '/somedir';
my %hash;

opendir(DIR,$dir) || die "can't open $dir : $!\n";
my @files = readdir(DIR);

foreach my $file (@files)
 my ($name,$ext) = split(/\./,$file);
 my ($newname,$desc) = $name =~ /^(.*\d)_(.*)$/;

open(LOG,">> $log") || &outputerror;

foreach my $key (keys %hash)
 print LOG "$key -- with a description of $hash{$key}\n";
sub outputerror
 print "WARNING: Could not open log file for writing. THe following files were moved:\n\n";
 foreach my $file (@files)
  print "$file\n";
 exit 1;
-----Original Message-----
From: Earthlink-m_ryan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 1:53 PM
Subject: adding a title to a file on windows

Does anyone know how to add "Comments" to a file description from the command prompt?
I would like to change a list of files from long names to short names, but retain the descriptions in a field like "title" or "Comments".
file names are-
and I want-
nvar_1234.pdf        -- with a description of "Virginia_Jurisdictional_addendum"
nvar_k1245.pdf      -- with a description of "Regional_contract"
Thank you in advance-


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1:56:46 PM ET - 3/10/2005
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