Friend wrote:
You're correct on both counts: "use Win32::API;" causes the same crash, and I
didn't remove 5.6 before installing 5.8.

What's the best way to recover? I.E., how do I remove the whole mess and do a
clean install of 5.8?

Not sure. ActiveState installations mess with the Registry, and I don't want to give advice that could leave the registry all screwed up.

Maybe if you just delete the entire perl directory, then re-install perl 5.8.6 to the same (original) location everything will be fine .... that seems reasonable to me .... but I still worry about that bloody registry :-)

The only problem you'll have is with additional modules that you installed for perl 5.6. Anything that ships as standard with AS perl will have been overwritten in the upgrade and will be ok - and any "pure perl" modules will also be ok. So, alternatively, it's just a matter of replacing any modules that don't fit into either of those 2 categories with the appropriate version. For Win32-API, the following should do the trick:

ppm install Win32-API -force


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