----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Johan Lindstrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "perl-win32-users" <perl-win32-users@listserv.ActiveState.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 10:38 AM
Subject: RFC: Module: Win32::Word::Document::Writer

> Hi all!
> I have written a module for creating MS Word documents using the
> module. It's a wrapper for getting things done a little more easily than
> using the DOM directly, and it has quite a few workarounds to bugs and
> problems with Word.
> Anyway, what I'm most interested in now is name suggestions. My currently
> best idea is:
>      Win32::Word::Document::Writer
> It's a bit long, but there are reasons for all the parts:
> Win32 - because it's windows specific (but happens to be an implementation
> detail, so I wouldn't mind losing it).
> Document::Writer - Writer because it follows the tradition of RTF::Writer
> and a lot of other modules. And I'd like to not hog the entire
> Word::Document namespace.
> Word::Document - Document, because there may be other Word::* modules
> like... I don't know... Word::Dotfile or something.
> Any ideas on this?

Imo, if it's a module that will function only on Win32 (as is definitely the
case in this instance) then it should start with 'Win32::'. I don't know if
this is always done, but I would regard it as objectionable if the 'Win32'
bit were removed.

I think (like you) that 'Win32::Word::Document::Writer contains too many
instances of '::' - but I'm not too sure what to do about it. Do you need to
include 'Word' ? I'm not all that familiar with this area of MS Windows, but
I thought that 'Document' implies 'Word Document' - in which case you could
call it simply 'Win32::Document::Writer'. If you think it's necessary to
include the reference to 'Word', then maybe 'Win32::WordDocument::Writer' or
'Win32::WordDoc::Writer'  or even 'Win32::WordDocWriter'.... or something.
(I don't really like 'Win32::WordDocWriter' - looks more like a Win32.pm
function name, and doesn't really fit very well with the 'RTF::Writer'

Anyway - just my 2c worth.


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