Chris Wagner <> wrote:

: I *always* call my own defined functions/subroutines with the &
: prefix. It's just good practice.  Allowing the & to be omitted
: just encourages bad programming practices.  And I'm sorry that
: ur bad practice has finally caught up with u but pouting isn't
: going to help anything.  If u truly knew what u were doing u
: would know about the reset function or atleast how to look it
: up in the book.  But I guess it's completely impracticle to
: expect u to follow good practice in ur code.

    Chris, I think this is more a style practice than a good
programming practice. I always avoid & and many contributors to
this list also seem to avoid it. Personally, I attach a strong
perl 4 stigma to its use. I have very rarely seen it used in
modules written in the last few years. When I see its use I
immediately think "Oh crap, this guy is maintaining a really
old script." Remembering the names of built-in functions becomes
easier as we familiarize ourselves with perl or get better tools
like syntax highlighting.


Charles K. Clarkson
Mobile Homes Specialist
254 968-8328

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