At 09:49 2005-04-17, Octavian Rasnita wrote:
Does anyone know what Windows graphics library is used by Win32::GUI?

The native Windows libraries.

I have seen that all the programs which are using the standard Win32
graphics library are very accessible for the blind (for screen readers), but
the programs which are created using Win32::GUI in perl are not.

In what way are they not accessible?

I have tested a few sample programs made with Win32::GUI and they were not
accessible using the keyboard (I could not move the focus from a control to
the next control by pressing tab), but.... is there a posibility that those
samples were not made very well, and I might create accessible programs
using Win32::GUI also?

Try setting $win->{dialogui} = 1; to enable that.


-------- ------ ---- --- -- --  --  -     -     -        -          -
Johan Lindström    Sourcerer @ Boss Casinos   johanl AT

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