andrew Black wrote:

> Hi
> I am trying to write a program that will allow me to CD to various 
> places (more details later). I want to call this from the windows 
> command line (cmd).
> Ways I have tried are
>   - use Perl "chdir" - but this only affects the perl process. The 
> caller  doesn't see that change.
>   - write a bat file that calls the Perl which somehow returns the 
> result back to the bat file that can then CD for you.  How can you 
> return this
>      REM  mycd.bat
>      perl   %1
>      cd  %directory_returned_by_find_dir%

Did a little searching and came up with this to replace the above 2 lines :

       for /F "usebackq" %%i in (`perl %1`) do cd %%i

> In a bit more detail as to what I am trying to do at application level.
> I want to be able to type "mycd test" and this looks up test in a flat 
> file and finds
>     test  :  c:\blah\blah\moreblah\test
> and cds you to the correct directory
> Any thoughts as to how to do this

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