Here is an example of a subroutine that I use:
sub CopyFile($$)
    # Accept arguments.
    my $Source = shift;
    my $Target = shift;
    # Declare local variables.
    local $_;
    my $Length = 0;
    my $Size = -s $Source;
    unless (defined($Size) and $Size > 0)  {$Log->WriteLog("*** Source
$Source has a zero file-size ***",0); close(FH1); return(0)}
    my $Buffer = ($Size < 8388608) ? $Size : 8388608;
    unless (open(FH1,"<$Source"))          {$Log->WriteLog("*** Unable
to open Source $Source $! ***",0); return(0)}
    unless (flock(FH1, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) {$Log->WriteLog("*** Source
$Source cannot be locked ***",0);  close(FH1); return(0)}
    unless (open(FH2,">$Target"))          {$Log->WriteLog("*** Unable
to open Target $Target $! ***",0); return(0)}
    unless (flock(FH2, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) {$Log->WriteLog("*** Target
$Target cannot be locked ***",0);  close(FH2); return(0)}
    $Log->WriteLog("$Source is copying to $Target",0);
    while (read(FH1,$_,$Buffer)) {$Length += length(); print(STDERR
Nisc::ProgressBar($Length,$Size,50,'=')); print(FH2)}
    print(STDERR "\n");
','Input-file-size:',$Size,'Output-file-size:',-s $Target),0) if (-e

Note that there is a little line-wrapping in this message. Some notes:

1. $Log->WriteLog is a module that simply writes the supplied textual
argument to STDERR and a filehandle. You may substitute a print function
for $Log->WriteLog.

2. Nisc::ProgressBar is an adaptation of some nifty code that someone
else wrote:

sub ProgressBar($$$$)
    my ($Got,$Total,$Width,$Char) = @_;
    $Width ||= 25;
    $Char  ||= '=';
    my $NumWidth = length $Total;
    sprintf("|%-${Width}s| Got %${NumWidth}s bytes of %s
(%.2f%%)\r",$Char x

3. I'm not sure about File::Copy, I'll have to have a look at it.  

Dirk Bremer - Systems Programmer II - ESS/AMS - NISC Lake St. Louis MO -
USA Central Time Zone
636-755-2652 fax 636-755-2503



        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Eric Logeson
        Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 12:15
        Subject: Re: Measure bandwidth
        Thanks Dirk
        Some good tips there, I will have to add file deletion routine.
        regarding point 5 below, would file::copy be shell based?
        On 5/24/05, Dirk Bremer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

                I can only offer some general advice. I do something
similar to get
                statistics on FTP-transfers. Here are some notes: 
                1. Since I have multiple events (2 per transfer, i.e.
start and end
                times) and multiple transfers per session, I define an
array to hold the
                various times, i.e. @Time.
                2. For each event, push(@Time,time); 
                3. To calculate the elapsed time and transfer rate,
where $PDF_File and
                $SNI_File contain the filenames of the respective files
and the first
                time argument is the end-time, the second time argument
is the
                   # Calculate usage statistics.
                   my ($PDF_Time, $PDF_Rate) =
                   my ($SNI_Time, $SNI_Rate) =
                4. The subroutine that calculates the statistics: 
                # Compute transfer statistics.
                sub Stats($$$) 
                   my $File    = shift;
                   my $Time1   = shift;
                   my $Time2   = shift;
                   my $Hours   = 0;
                   my $Minutes = 0;
                   my $Time    = $Time1 - $Time2;
                   my $Size    = -s $File;
                   my $Rate = $Size; 
                   if ($Time > 0) {$Rate = sprintf('%2.2f',$Size /
                   $Rate = sprintf('%2.2f',($Rate / 1024));
                   $Log->WriteLog("File:      $File",0);
                   $Log->WriteLog("Time1:     $Time1",0); 
                   $Log->WriteLog("Time2:     $Time2",0);
                   $Log->WriteLog("File Time: $Time",0);
                   $Log->WriteLog("File Size: $Size",0);
                   $Log->WriteLog("File Rate: $Rate",0); 
                   my $Seconds = $Time;
                   if ($Time > 3600) {$Hours   = sprintf('%d',$Time /
3600); $Time
                = $Time % 3600}
                   if ($Time > 60)   {$Minutes = sprintf('%d',$Time /
60);   $Seconds
                = $Time % 60}
                   $Time = 
                   $Log->WriteLog("File Time: $Time",0);
                Note that the above subroutine was designed in mind for
transfers that 
                take less than 24-hours, for transfers that would take
longer than that,
                some other date/time manipulations may be required.
                5. You will probably want to write your own Perl
subroutine to actually
                perform the copying rather than using the sheel-based
copy command as 
                the overhead of spawn a shell-command may be
                6. You might consider deleting each file first if it
exists as their
                might be less overhead involved in copying over an
existing file.
                7. There may be other things that I haven't considered. 
                Dirk Bremer - Systems Programmer II - ESS/AMS - NISC
Lake St. Louis MO -
                USA Central Time Zone
                636-755-2652 fax 636-755-2503
                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
                Eric Logeson
                       Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 10:28 
                       Subject: Measure bandwidth
                       Hello List
                       I wanted to get some basic bandwidth statistics
across a WAN 
                link.  The approach I think I am going to take is the
                       Use a perl scipt to read in a bunch of files,
determine the
                sizes, start a timer (not sure how to do this yet), copy
the files
                across the link (winxp->win2003 server), stop the timer,

                       and finally write out the bytes/sec metric to a
log file.  I
                planned on scheduling the perl script to run every hour
or so for a
                       Are there modules of interest for this project.
Any suggestions 
                on the approach?
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