> ... called quines ...
And, in perl, one of the most amazing quine programs is Damian Conway's 
SelfGol. It's also the game of Life and a quine-izer for other programs - 
don't even think about looking at it.


I had the good fortune to sit in a nice enough bar, drinking beer (not the 
best idea considering) while he char by char worked his way through the 
script (it was an obfusticated perl submission). He includes evil things 
like stray parens/curlies so vi's '%' won't help you de-parse it and, even 
at a merer 1000 chars, managed to slip in useless code just to further 
befuddle.   It was beyond humbling, made you want to give up even typing 
on a computer and go back to banging rocks and sticks together.


Andy Bach, Sys. Mangler
VOICE: (608) 261-5738  FAX 264-5932

self-reference, n. - See self-reference 
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