 I am using this module (Net::Telnet) downloaded from CPAN, for a small
interactive program in which I telnet to a particular host, login and give
some commands (based on the options you get). I am not able to do this. I am
able to login but whatever I do after that doesn't seem to happen. Can
someone suggest what might be going wrong!!!

After login, the control console shows

------- Control Console

     1- Device Manager
     2- Network
     3- System
     4- Logout

     <ESC>- Main Menu, <ENTER>- Refresh, <CTRL-L>- Event Log

Please let me know your inputs.
Thanks & Regards,

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print "I am starting my script\n";

use Net::Telnet;
my $t = new Net::Telnet (Timeout => 10,
                              Prompt => '/bash\$ $/');
my $username = "apc";
my $passwd = "apc";    
print "I got connected\n";

$t->waitfor('/User Name :.*$/');
$t->waitfor('/Password  :.*$/');
print "I have logged in\n";

print "This is first step\n";

print "This is second step\n";

print "This is third step\n";

print "This is fourth step\n";

print "This is fifth step\n";

print "This is sixth step\n";

print "This is seventh step\n";
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