$Bill Luebkert wrote:

> Chris Wagner wrote:
>>I think this will do what u want.
>>foreach $i ( grep($something, $maybeBiggerOriginalArray) ) { $hash{$i} = 1 }
> Or maybe:
> my %hash = map { $_ => 1 } grep /$something/, @array;

One more using the hash slice suggestion:

my %hash2;
@hash2{grep /$something/, @array} = (1) x @array;

  ,-/-  __      _  _         $Bill Luebkert    Mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (_/   /  )    // //       DBE Collectibles    Mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  / ) /--<  o // //      Castle of Medieval Myth & Magic http://www.todbe.com/
-/-' /___/_<_</_</_    http://dbecoll.tripod.com/ (My Perl/Lakers stuff)
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