John Deighan wrote:

> We have a goto in our code. I hate it, but there just isn't a good
"switch" or "case" statement in Perl yet

Yes there is, in Perl 5.8. If you're using an older Perl, you can still get from CPAN.

    use Switch;

    switch ($val) {
        case 1          { print "number 1" }
        case "a"        { print "string a" }
        case [1..10,42] { print "number in list" }
        case (@array)   { print "number in list" }
        case /\w+/      { print "pattern" }
        case qr/\w+/    { print "pattern" }
        case (%hash)    { print "entry in hash" }
        case (\%hash)   { print "entry in hash" }
        case (\&sub)    { print "arg to subroutine" }
        else            { print "previous case not true" }

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