Mike wrote: [snipped]
> items that specifically referred to the floating point Error in the first
batch of Pentium chips

Sorry, I should have narrowed the search then. This is not specific to that
error, it is a consequence of
the FP number system representation. It arises in certain circumstances, but
ones that are not uncommon. I
just wanted to flag that people could be more aware of what really happens at a
hardware/number representation
level when they want to divide / compare / subtract similar numbers, so they can
watch for pitfalls. As far
as possible, avoid floating point divides. They're ugly, and they're slow. 

I spent too long designing alternative representations that avoid this, so its
one of my soap boxes when 
people complain that compares don't work as they expect.

> other occurrences of 'catastrophic loss of precision' that can be tested using
modern Pentiums

Absolutely. I don't have any code to demo this, but will try to find some
slacktime to rustle something
up. Any of the URIs below will probably give you the idea. 

> Some URLs would be helpful here. Thanks.

Sure OK, here goes: (shout if you need more)


http://www.cs.princeton.edu/introcs/91float/  (and scroll down to catastrophic

http://cs-www.bu.edu/faculty/djy/cs210/unit06.html  (see section 'Cancellation

http://www.math.uu.se/~warwick/summer04/material/reading/rump2.pdf  (if you
really want the theory)

http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/393090 (from
activestate, a Python example)

ed c

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