hello, Michael,

Friday, August 05, 2005, 1:07:42 PM, You wrote:

MM> If I start or stop the service I get the start or stop message by mail
MM> but if I create or delete a file in the monitored directory I get no 
MM> message.

MM> Why ?

MM> Environment: Win2000 (upgrade from NT) SP4
MM> ActiveState perl
MM> Win32::ChangeNotify 1.02

    I think it's not Win32::ChangeNotify issue. most likely service
    not properly installed. And on Roth's site (roth.net) there is
    module Win32::Daemon which can be used to install service
    properly. hope this help You.

MM> Michael

С уважением,
 Сергей                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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