Allegakoen, Justin Devanandan wrote:

> -----8<----------
> It seems to me that when you get a warning, you're doing something wrong
> or it wasn't coded to take all possibilities into consideration - so I
> never turn off warnings or strict. I already found two legit bugs in
> that
> module, so I'm guessing there are more to find.
> -----8<----------
> Agreed, but there are two examples I can think of where I have no choice
> but to:-
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use File::Find;
> find(\&Wanted, '.');
> sub Wanted
> {
>         my $This = $File::Find::name;
>         # no warnings;
>         next if $This =~ /\.pl$/;

The above should be 'return' rather than 'next'.

>         print  "FOUND: $This\n";
> }

Where is your description of the error ?

> The other one being null values in SQL DB's when I use Win32::ODBC
> (haven't tried DBI).
> I've used the redirect of STDERR to a file on occasion, but didn't like
> it one bit since I have been caught out by my forgetfulness when trying
> to debug where the expected output has gone in the event of a die
> situation.
> Any tips?

As to what ?  Where is a description of the problem ?

Are you aware of the 'defined' function for testing if a vrbl is defined ?

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