I am trying to implement small multi threaded SSH application, on a IIS6.
Code works fine without the Threads. 
But I get SSH'ish looking error when trying to use Threads.
Can anyone offer any advice what I might be doing wrong? Perhaps a working
example or a link to one.
Below is the output of my code followed by simplified perl code I run.

Btw, I have Perl v5.8.7 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread, with
usethreads=define use5005threads=undef useithreads=define

OUTPUT produced:
started thread 1 Remotehost1
started thread 2 Remotehost2
[Mon Sep 5 14:36:15 2005] remotecommand_mthread.pl: PARI: *** forbidden at
C:/Perl/site/lib/Math/Pari.pm line 978. [Mon Sep 5 14:36:15 2005]
remotecommand_mthread.pl: thread failed to start: PARI: *** unknown type 83.
at C:/Perl/site/lib/Math/Pari.pm line 978. 

CODE snippets....
use Thread;
use Net::SSH::W32Perl;
for my $hostname (@ExecuteHost) {
        $ThreadHash->{$hostname} = Thread->new(\&RemoteExecute, $hostname,
        print br, 'started thread ',$TotalHostsThreads, ' ', $hostname;
foreach my $hostname (keys %{$ThreadHash} ) {
        $TotalOutput .= $ThreadHash->{$hostname}->join;
        print 'ended thread ', $hostname, br;
sub RemoteExecute{
        my $host = shift;
        my $rcmd = shift;

        my $ssh = new Net::SSH::W32Perl($host, [protocol => 1, port=>22]);
        my ($This_out, $This_err, $This_exit) = $ssh->cmd($rcmd);
        return $This_out;

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