Title: RE: system("rmdir...") not working like it once did

I had the same issue and tracked it down to multiple versions of rmdir on my PC. The one in the path wasn't necessarily the one that PERL was trying to use. Once I explicitly set it to use d:\utils\rmdir (or whatever) things were OK again..

I had also patched recently, maybe this is the cause ?



Conor Lillis
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-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Sisyphus

Sent: 06 September 2005 13:20
To: perl-win32-users
Subject: system("rmdir...") not working like it once did


Can anyone make sense of this:

D:\math-mpfr\build58\cpan>type try.pl

use warnings;
if(system("rmdir /S /Q Math-MPFR-1.07\\t")) {die "Failure"}

D:\math-mpfr\build58\cpan>perl try.pl
rmdir: `/S': No such file or directory
rmdir: `/Q': No such file or directory
rmdir: `Math-MPFR-1.07\\t': Directory not empty
Failure at try.pl line 3.

D:\math-mpfr\build58\cpan>rmdir /S /Q Math-MPFR-1.07\t


Three things I do not understand:

1) I have run try.pl as part of an automated procedure on the same machine,
in the same shell, probably about 20 times in the past. Tonight is the first
time it has decided to behave in a manner other than I expected;

2) Why perl has suddenly decided that a backslash inside double quotes in a
system() command no longer represents an escape;

3) Why rmdir in the system command thinks that /S and /Q are folders, yet
understands them perfectly when run from the command line.

Two things have changed since I last ran this script:

1) I've switched from perl5.8.6 to perl5.8.7 - but that's not the problem,
because when I revert to 5.8.6 the same behaviour persists.

2) I've run Windows Update a coupla times.

I'm also open to suggestions on how I might successfully run 'rmdir /S /Q
Math-MPFR-1.07\t' as a system() command from perl. I tried the following
(both of which produced the same nonsensical result as appears above):

use warnings;
$command = 'rmdir /S /Q Math-MPFR-1.07\\t';
if(system($command)) {die "Failure"}

use warnings;
@command = ('rmdir', '/S', '/Q', 'Math-MPFR-1.07\\t');
if(system(@command)) {die "Failure"}

I'm on Windows2000.

Aaah ... I've just now found a solution. If I change 'rmdir' to 'rd' it
works fine - but I'll send this post anyway ... it might save someone else
some agony. And I'm still completely in the dark as regards what's going on
... any explanations gratefully received.

Btw, here's what 'rmdir /?' reveals for me:

D:\math-mpfr>rmdir /?
Removes (deletes) a directory.

RMDIR [/S] [/Q] [drive:]path
RD [/S] [/Q] [drive:]path

    /S      Removes all directories and files in the specified directory
            in addition to the directory itself.  Used to remove a directory

    /Q      Quiet mode, do not ask if ok to remove a directory tree with /S


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