----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sergey Cherniyenko"
> S> use warnings
> S> use constant VALUE => foo();
> S> print VALUE, "\n"; # print 42
> S> sub foo {return 42}
> S> But all that produces is (as is to be expected):
> S> Undefined subroutine &main::foo called at try.pl line 2.
> S> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at try.pl line 2.
> Just place foo() declaration before constant declaration. Works fine for
> me.

Works for me, too .... thanks Sergey.

I'm a little puzzled, however. In 'perldoc constant' I see:

-- quote --
  As with all "use" directives, defining a constant happens at compile time.
-- end quote --

It seems to me, therefore, that foo() is being called and evaluated at
compile-time. Is that so ? I thought foo() would be unreachable until


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