Title: Regex
David Budd wrote, on Tue 9/20/2005 10:57:

: I thought this was working, but my logs just showed a case where it seems not to do what I want.
: Why does:
: $OK_body=($body=~/library\s*?card\D*?(\d{7})\D/i) ;
: Not become true when $body contains:
: Library Card: 0240742

Probably because your regex explicitly requires a non-digit (\D) at the end, and your example line doesn't have it. Perhaps you want \D*$ so it finds no more than 7 digits, or if more digits are allowed as long as a non-digit intervenes, you might want (\D|$).

Good luck,


          Joseph P. Discenza, Sr. Programmer/Analyst
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