To add a zero pad ("printf" if you just want it printed zero padded):
my $padded_name = sprintf("%02d", $month);

the 'zero' is the pad char, the '2' is the number of places to pad to

To get rid of it:
print "The month number is: ", $padded_name + 0, "\n";

that  is, use it as an integer and Perl'll dumber it.

$month = 7;
my $padded_name = sprintf("%02d", $month);

print "The month number was: ", $padded_name, "\n";
print "The month number is: ", $padded_name + 0, "\n";

Andy Bach, Sys. Mangler
VOICE: (608) 261-5738  FAX 264-5932

" History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of
social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the
appalling silence of the good people. "
Martin Luther King, Jr.
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