Michael D Schleif wrote:
> Please, take careful note of the above statement.

The fact that you used the same code means nothing since 1) we seem to be
talking apples and oranges and 2) your bat file is different.

>> If your mkdir is failing in the Perl script, could there be a permissions
>> problem ?  You're using /'s instead of \'s like the above right ?
> As you know, this is a very complex problem.
> [A] When my Perl code _always_ uses forward-slashes, then the Perl mkdir
>     *DOES* work; but, the BAT cannot use the directory path argument
>     passed to it.

Then you don't have a problem - use the forward slashes to do the mkdir.

> [B] So, _ALL_ I change is the forward-to-back slashes, and _ONLY_ for
>     the directory path argument.  Then, the Perl mkdir does *NOTHING*,

NO!!!! You just said it worked with forward slashes - so use forward slashes.
Switch the slashes *AFTER* you do the mkdir.

>     and the Perl mkdir does *NOT* croak nor die.  On top of that, the
>     code continues on into the BAT code, whereupon the BAT cannot do its
>     job, because its job is to copy files into the dir that was to be
>     created by the Perl mkdir -- follow the sequence in the sample code.
> Yes, this is bizarre behavior.  Yes, this should be a simple case of
> swapping slashes.  Unfortunately, this is _not_ that simple ;<

Yes - it is or you're not splaining yourself very well.

> Creating the directory with forward-slashes is *NOT* the problem.  Why
> is this so hard for me to explain?

Beats me, but you're not.

> The problem is, the BAT will not accept the first argument (%1) as a
> directory path when I use forward slashes.  So, I am forced to change
> the back-slashes *ONLY* for this argument; and when I do that, then the
> previous mkdir does *NOT* happen.

You're not getting it.  Use forward slashes *ONLY* for the Perl script
mkdir and then switch to back slashes.

> What part of this do you not understand?  How can I make this clearer
> for you?

You're doing a terrible job and I'm trying to be clearer than you are.

> That is _exactly_ what I am doing.  Don't you see that in the sample
> code?

Yes, but you said it fails.  It should work cause you said it works
with back slashes.  You're doing a terrible job of explaining your

> Do you see the mkdir in the Perl sample code I have published?
> That is the one and only mkdir -- period.

And you said it works if ytou use slashes - so use them.

> Did you really read what I wrote there?  Literally, that is what I mean.
> No, it does not make sense; but, that *IS* what happens.

No - you haven't explained anything where I can understand it.  You keep
contradicting yourself (at least that's what I'm reading).

> I am not allowed to modify the BAT code.  What it does is take two (2)
> arguments; and, after some other processing, the BAT code concatenates
> the two arguments, like this:
>     %1\%2
> Whereupon, it copies a bunch of files to that path.

Looks simple enough to me and works for me.

> Yes, it could be.  Please, notice, as I have already stated, I
> cut-pasted the sample code that I was using, and published that intact
> and complete.  I cut-pasted your sample code intact and complete.  My
> empirical results are invariable throughout all trials using both code
> sets.

What you're not getting across is where the problem is.

You said the mkdir works with forward slashes and the bat file works
with back slashes.  So use forward on the mkdir and back on the bat call.
It's that simple.  Now where does it fail under those circumstances ?

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