What, nobody else had a daylight savings time change issue? Well, I sure

I check certain files' modification dates against a modification date
stored in a database for the corresponding file. The files were not
modified since they were entered into the database, i.e. the dates
should have been equal. At about 01:00 on 10-30-2005, things were a bit
different. For example, the date stored in the database was 2005-10-17
14:28:10, while after the time changed, the date returned was 2005-10-17
13:28:10, an exact one-hour difference. The modification date was
obtained from stat. This did cause some problems.

I guess that ideally, the program which performs these comparisons would
be aware of when the time changes twice a year to and from daylight
savings time and would adjust the returned modification dates. The issue
is how to identify within a Perl program the time changes. Note that
this action is occurring on Windows-based servers and if I examine the
file in the above example's modification date using Windows Explorer, it
is reported as 2005-10-17 13:28:10.

To compound this, I have heard that the time-change schedule would be
changed in 2006 so that DST would start 2-weeks earlier and end 1-week

Is there a way to determine DST changes in Perl through a module, etc.?
Or would one have to manually account for the DST schedule every year? 

Dirk Bremer - Senior Systems Engineer - ESS/AMS - NISC Lake St. Louis MO
- USA Central Time Zone
636-755-2652 fax 636-755-2503


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