----- Original Message ----- 
To: <perl-win32-users@listserv.ActiveState.com>
Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2005 2:08 PM
Subject: RE: Can't start ppm command

> > Check that there are no spaces (or anything else) before the
> > #!. The #!
> > needs to be at the very start of the first line.
> No space nor any.
> > In addition to 'ppm.bat' and 'ppm3.bat' being identical,
> > 'ppm' and 'ppm3'
> > should also be the same as each other. Can you confirm that
> > they are the
> > same as each other ?
> 'ppm.bat' and 'ppm3.bat' are identical. and
> 'ppm' and 'ppm3' are identical. By WinMerge!
> > Somewhere 'perl -x' is calling a file that doesn't begin with
> > a '#!perl'.
> ???

The only place I can see 'perl -x' calling a file is in ppm.bat which calls
'perl -x -S ppm' and in ppm3.bat which calls 'perl -x -S ppm3'. The former
fails, but the latter works .... which doesn't make sense since you say that
'ppm3' and 'ppm' are identical. (I'd feel happier about accepting that if
you could do a MD5 digest of those - and confirm that it reports the same
for both. Use the script below for that. WinMerge is probably reliable, but
I really don't know.)

What happens if you cd to the perl\bin folder and enter:
perl -x -S ppm

That should get you into the ppm interactive shell. I get:

-- start --
E:\Perl815\bin>perl -x -S ppm
PPM - Programmer's Package Manager version 3.3.
Copyright (c) 2001 ActiveState Corp. All Rights Reserved.
ActiveState is a division of Sophos.

Entering interactive shell. Using Term::ReadLine::Perl as readline library.

Type 'help' to get started.

ppm> quit

-- finish --

What happens when you enter (from perl\bin folder):
perl -x ppm

What happens when you enter (from perl\bin folder):
perl ppm

What happens when you enter (from perl\bin folder):
perl -x -S ppm3

What happens when you enter (from perl\bin folder):
perl -x ppm3

What happens when you enter (from any folder):
ppm help

What version of Windows are you running ? (ie 95, 98, 2000, NT, XP, etc. ?)

Which build of AS perl is it ?

It's the '.zip' package ... right ? What did you use to unpack the zip file


Does the following script report the same digest for both files 'ppm' and
'ppm3' (ie the 2 files without extensions that get called by 'ppm.bat' and

use Digest::MD5;
use warnings;

while(1) {
print "\nEnter filename (fully qualified path) or Ctrl-C to exit\n";
$f = <STDIN>;

        open(FILE, $f) or die "Can't open FILE: $!";

        $md5 = Digest::MD5->new;
        while (<FILE>) {
        print $md5->hexdigest;


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