When I use mysql+perl, the only time I get a similar error, is when I have threads that connect to the server. If I am not mistaken, the mysql dbd driver is not thread-safe.

Hope this helps.

Ed Bachmann wrote:

Windows XP is intermittantly shutting down perl with this message,
in a big, gray, official-looking Windows message box.:

"Perl Command Line Interpreter has encountered a problem and needs to close,"

It reports that the problem is with 'mysql.dll'.
The script is clean, I think. I'm running with 'use strict' and 'use warnings'.
I'm closing all connections and destroying all objects so far as I know.
What is odd is that the script sometimes runs fine.
When it fails, the cause appears to be an SQL call, usually, but not always on a
'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table', but I don't get any diagnostics
because Windows takes over.

Does anyone know how to troubleshoot this kind of problem?
I've replaced perl, MySQL, DBI, and DBD-mysql, with no effect.
Other perl apps are running fine.

My configuration looks like this:
Windows XP SP 2
ActiveState perl, v5.8.7.815 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
DBI [1.48]
MySQL: Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.15, for Win32 (ia32)

(I  posted this to perl-win32-database a while back with no luck)

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