Title: split() skipping trailing delimiters
DZ-Jay wrote, on Mon 05-Dec-05 07:58
:         I have a problem using the split() function:  When there are trailing
: delimiters, without any content between them, split() skips them.  For

From "perldoc -f split":
            If LIMIT is specified and positive, splits into no more than
            that many fields (though it may split into fewer). If LIMIT is
            unspecified or zero, trailing null fields are stripped (which
            potential users of "pop" would do well to remember). If LIMIT is
            negative, it is treated as if an arbitrarily large LIMIT had
            been specified.
Hence, if you use a negative LIMIT, you'll get all your trailing fields.
Remember, perldoc is your friend.
Good luck,

          Joseph P. Discenza, Sr. Programmer/Analyst
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