Title: Message
Hi Folks,
I'm having trouble formatting the Cell Contents of an Excel sheet with Win32::OLE.
I want to force the contents of a Cell that has a DATE value ( "Dec 2005" ) to be a string.
What happens is the Date value 'DEC 2005' in converted into 'Dec-05'.
Any help will be greatly appreciated....

Glen Plantz
Here is my code;.
my ($currentMonth, $currentYear ) = split / /, $currentMonthYear;                  # holds "Dec 2005"
# Now open the TEMPLATE FILE where this month value will be used...
# $CSAA_A2_RegionOffice

my $template_Workbook = $excel_app->Workbooks->Open($CSAA_A2_RegionOffice)
or die "could not open $CSAA_A2_RegionOffice\n";
#now select first column heading where HOA will be used... and try putting the correct column heading in...
my $Sheet1 = $template_Workbook->Worksheets(1);


#now select correct array based on the '$currentMonth' value
my $mnth;
my $i = 0;
my $mnth = $HOA{$currentMonth}[$i];   # $mnth holds 'DEC'
#correct value... now try putting in the correct value...
my $monthYear = $mnth . '  ' . $currentYear;
print "monthYear = $monthYear\n";
# my $dt = Variant(VT_DATE, $monthYear);
print "$dt\n";
print $dt->Date("MMM yyyy"), "\n";
my $formatedDate = $dt->Date("MMM yyyy"), "\n";
print "formatedDate = $formatedDate\n";
# this works, but the year has the format '05'.... see screen shot...
$Sheet1->Range("D2")->{'Value'} = $monthYear;
# this does not work
#$Sheet1->Range("D2")->{'Value'} = $formatedDate;
#this doesn't seem to effect the value entered...
#$Sheet1->Range("D2")->Format("MMM yyyy");
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