On Sun, 15 Jan 2006 12:05:08 -0800, you wrote:

>my $missingPatch = "no";
>    foreach $patch (@patches)
>    {
>        $showrev = `showrev -p | grep \"Patch: $patch\"`;
>        if ( length ($showrev) == 0 )  # meaning the patch isn't installed
>        {
>          ...............
>            if ( exists $installedPatch[1] )
>                {    ($instPatchID, $instPatchVer) = split(/-/,
>$installedPatch[1]); }
>            if ( ( exists $patchName[1] ) && ($patchName[1] lt $instPatchVer
>) )
>            {
>               ........
>            }
>            else
>            {
>               ......
>              $missingPatch = "yes";
>            }
>        }
>    }
>if (  $missingPatch =~ m/yes/  )   --- > this is where the error occurs.

Count your braces. The right brace immediately above this if statement
closes the scope of your "my" variable, so the $missingPatch in the if
is a different (and obviously uninitialized) variable.
Eric Amick
Columbia, MD
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