I posted this example to the list not that long ago. I've since corrected it so that it doesn't leave ugly lines all over the place.


#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI;

my $mw = Win32::GUI::Window->new(
        -title => "Splitter Test",
        -pos   => [100,100],
        -size  => [500,400],
        -onResize => \&main_resize,

        -name => "TF1",
        -multiline => 1,
        -width => 200,

        -name => "SP",
        -left => 200,
        -width => 5,
        -onRelease => \&do_splitter,

        -name => "TF2",
        -multiline => 1,
        -left => 200 + $mw->SP->Width(),


# NEM splitter event gets 2 parameters.  The first (as always)
# is the window object the event came from - in this case the
# splitter window; The second depends on the splitter orientation:
# if horzontal it is the top coordinate; if vertical it is
# the left coordinate. (coordinates relative to the parent's
# client area)
# The splitter window is moved by the splitter object, so you only
# have to re-position your other windows
sub do_splitter
        my ($splitter, $coord) = @_;

        # Swap these next 2 lines to see the 'bug' come back

sub main_resize
        my $self = shift;


A. Pollock wrote:
I built a simple Win32::GUI application which connects to an
Access database containing hierarchical records and builds
a tree view out of them. Now I would like to extend the
application so that clicking on a record in the tree in the
right-hand pane will display the record details in a left
hand pane. Try as I might, I can nowhere find any example
program that uses a moveable splitter to separate a Window
into panes or "frames."

Can anybody give me a simple example showing how to set up
frames in Win32:GUI and put something in them? I'm an idiot
without examples to guide me.


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