in my netapi32.dll   there is no  DsEnumerateDomainTrusts,  it contains
a DsEnumerateDomainTrustsW and DsEnumerateDomainTrustsA version of this


>From the Win32::API docs:

Also note that many Win32 APIs are exported twice, with the addition of
a final A or W to their name, for - respectively - the ASCII and the
Unicode version. When a function name is not found, Win32::API will
actually append an A to the name and try again; if the extension is
built on a Unicode system, then it will try with the W instead. So our
function name will be:

    $GetTempPath = new Win32::API('kernel32', 'GetTempPath', ...
In our case GetTempPath is really loaded as GetTempPathA.

I've used Win32::API once, fortunately the dll was documented well
enough such that I could call its functionality. Thereafter I've always
wondered how you expose a dll's functionality and their respective
prototypes that don't have any docs?

Is there a dll exposer of some sort that you use? Anyone able to share
any freeware, docs, or weblinks?


Just in

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