Maurice Height wrote:

> I have just solved a bug in my code involving a compiled regex.
> I am wondering if I have got it wrong or if this is a Perl error.
> To explain...
> I had a class ABC in which I passed a value to the constructor
> (eg: $arg{delim_str} ) and stored this for later use throughout the class:
>    $self->{DELIM_RE} = qr/\Q$arg{delim_str}\E/os;
> Now when I create 2 class objects, each with a different value of
> $arg{delim_str}, the first instance works correctly, but the second
> seems to be using the same value that was created in the first instance.

To my understanding, that's what it's supposed to do.  The /o says
you don't have to re-interpolate the contents of $arg{delim_str}
after the first time.  So just remove the /o and you should be fine.

> For example:
>    my $abc1 = ABC->new( delim_str => q{|} ); 
>    # do some stuff with $abc1
>    ....
>    my $abc2 = ABC->new( delim_str => q{,} );
>    # do some stuff with $abc2
>    *** does not work because the value of $self->{DELIM_RE}
>    *** used in $abc2 is the same as that in $abc1
> However if I remove the 'o' option from the regex, everything is OK.
>    $self->{DELIM_RE} = qr/\Q$arg{delim_str}\E/s;
> I had assumed that even though a regex is compiled once only with the 'o'
> option, that instances of class data would be INDEPENDENT of each other.

Apparently not a good assumption.

perlretut man page:

Part 1: The basics
  Using regular expressions in Perl
    There are a few more things you might want to know about matching operators.
    First, we pointed out earlier that variables in regexps are substituted
    before the regexp is evaluated:

        $pattern = 'Seuss';
        while (<>) {
            print if /$pattern/;

    This will print any lines containing the word "Seuss". It is not as
    efficient as it could be, however, because perl has to re-evaluate $pattern
    each time through the loop. If $pattern won't be changing over the lifetime
    of the script, we can add the "//o" modifier, which directs perl to only
    perform variable substitutions once:

        #    Improved simple_grep
        $regexp = shift;
        while (<>) {
            print if /$regexp/o;  # a good deal faster

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