I understand your confusion. If I were to
ppm install Underworld-Revolution

I will expect to:
use Underworld::Revolution;
and not
use Revolution;

Gary D Trosper wrote:

A confusing PPM experience

I'm running PPM v3.1 and ActiveState-Perl v5.8.0 MSwin32-x86-multi-thread on a WindowsXP system

I recently needed to do some PDF work so I located PDF::Xtract on CPAN.

I decided to try ppm (first timer)

ppm> install PDF::Xtract                -> Installation successful

perl -e "use PDF::Xtract;" -> Can't locate PDF/Xtract.pm in @INC (Note my clue was the PDF*<slash>*Xtract)

I decided to remove and start over

ppm> remove PDF::Xtract -> PDF::Xtract is not installed Here's where my confusion started ppm> install PDF::Xtract -> PDF-Xtract is already installed (2nd clue PDF *<dash>*Xtract)
ppm> query PDF::Xtract                -> no matches see help query

Suddenly the light dawns ppm is expecting the name to be PDF*<dash>*Xtract
ppm> query PDF-Xtract                 -> listing for PDF-Xtract
ppm> remove PDF-Xtract        -> remove successful
ppm> install PDF-Xtract                -> installation successful

perl -e "use PDF::Xtract;" -> Can't locate PDF/Xtract.pm in @INC I'm stumped so I look in the directories list in @INC and sure enough Xtract.pm is located in \perl\site\lib instead of \perl\site\lib\PDF

to test

perl -e "use Xtract;"                -> no problema

Case solved and closed.

For those of you who are guru level and are wondering why this person is wasting my time with this post... I can only apologize; but, if your reading this and haven't used ppm very much perhaps this experience will save you some time.
The errors were all my own and mostly syntactical in nature.

Gary Trosper

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