----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert May"
> Steps to invoke problem:
> (1) run:  h2xs -A -n SomeModule
> (2) cd into the created SomeModule directory
> (3) run the incantation:
>         perl -MConfig_m Makefile.PL
>         nmake
>         nmake test
> Generally this works fine, and the (one) test passes, but if
> 'SomeModule' is 'DropFile' or 'DropFiles' I get the following test
> result (re-formatted for readability:
> C:\Perl\5.8.7\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e"
>    "test_harness(0, 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t\DropFiles.t
> #     Failed test (t\DropFiles.t at line 9)
> #     Tried to use 'DropFiles'.
> t\DropFiles....NOK 1#
> Error:  Can't load
> for module DropFiles: load_file:The operation completed successfully at
> C:/Perl/5.8.7/lib/DynaLoader.pm line 230.

> It's an odd error message!

Indeed .... I have no idea what it means.

> The problem disappears if I compile with
> VC6, making me think in more likely to be a MinGW issue, but I'd like to
> be able to build with MinGW without choosing a different module name.

Are you using the same 'nmake' in both instances ? (If so we can rule
'nmake' out as the culprit.)

I can't reproduce the problem - though I haven't got exactly the same
environment - Windows2000, using 'dmake', gcc-3.4.4, AS build 810.  However,
I can't see that any of those differences account for the strange behaviour
you're getting. (My immediate thoughts were that you must be doing something
silly - though, of course, that's not necessarily so - and I can't for the
life of me think of what that "silliness" could possibly be :-)

I'd create 2 separate directories for the creation of DropFiles - one for
creating with MinGW/EU::FC, and one for creating with VC6. Then compare the
2 generated DropFiles.c. (Maybe also compare some of the other files - eg
the Makefile that was generated in both cases.)
Somewhere there has to be a difference that matters.

For comparing large files you can use 'diffutils' from
http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages.html (which, iirc, needs
'gettext' - which is also available from the same page).

What happens if you name the module (successively) DropFile, DropFil, Drop,
...., Dr, D ? At what point does the problem go away ?


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