May not have hit your inbox yet...

0.056398  s/\s(?=\s*\S)/0/og
0.254457  while (s/\s(?=(\d|\.))/0/ {)
0.094268 s/^(\s+)(?=\d)/'0'x(length $1)/e
0.026934 (see below) Strip front space, take length diff, replace with n x
0.095046 s/^(\s+)/sprintf "%s", q[0]x length($1)/eg
0.086842 s/ (?=.*\d)/0/g

Surprisingly, the more manual process is the fastest. This latest positive
lookahead is a bit slower than the first one, I'm not sure why.

($trimmed_string = $_) =~ s/^ *//; # remove leading spaces
        $transformed_string = ('0' x ((length $_) - length
$trimmed_string)) . $trimmed_string;
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