$Bill Luebkert wrote:
Lyle Kopnicky wrote:

$Bill Luebkert wrote:

Here's an alternative if you can't get it going using API:
Thanks for the test program. I have to point out that neither system has any audio card installed. They also don't have many of the default sound files installed. I tried the program you sent me, calling it beeptest.pl. On the NT4 server, it causes my local PC (remember I'm in an RDP session) to emit six PC speaker beeps.

Probably because no sound card.  No built-in sound on M/B either ?
No, it's a rackmount server, they tend not to have these things. But now I'm using an ICA session, and if I open a browser, and view flash files, I get sound. I get sound when I log into the server. But I don't get those beeps.
On the Win2K server, it runs for the same length of time, but is silent. There could be some other difference besides one server being NT4 and the other Win2K, but I don't know what might affect this situation.

Can you open a console window and type Ctrl-G in it and see if it beeps
with the normal speaker beep ?
Yes, that works.
Can you generate any sound via any method on it ?
Yes. See above.

Lyle Kopnicky
Software Project Engineer
Veicon Technology, Inc.

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